Thomas Cosyns:

Thomas is by far the most fashionable member of the team, and when he is not wearing his black cap and toga he makes sure to draw the attention some other way. In the picture you can watch him as he removes the support material from the frame after being taken from the 3D printer, while humming his favourite song "Dos cervezas por favor".
Birthday: January 20th 1988
Main activities during the project: Inventor/Design, Hardware, Singing "Dos cervezas"
Ellen Muyshondt:
Being by far the best-looking member of the crew, and only woman, she was the person who pulls the strings. When Ellen decided that only "Dropbox" would be the way of distributing files and data, "Dropbox" quickly became the holy grail of the team.
Birthday: August 16th 1988
Main activities during the project: Programming, Pulling the strings, Sensor Electronics
Mart Lybeert:
As the most creative, professional and enthusiast team member, Mart proved to be the driving force towards all achievements and most non-'Dos cervezas'-related laughter in the lab. In the picture you can see Mart being pregnant and full of expectations of Ball-E. (Click the picture for Marts face while giving birth to his baby)
Birthday: May 7th 1988
Main activities during the project: Electronics, Basic Function programming, Hardware
Louka Taymans:
As the intelligence of the team, Louka proved to be the father of Ball-Es football talent. Being a very successful player(Left Bench position) at ERC Hoeilaart in a past life also Ball-Es coach and official "Dos cervezas" DJ in the lab.
Birthday: July 10th 1988
Main activities during the project: Programming, Hardware, Website