Welcome on our website,
On this website you can find more information about the
‘making of’ our soccer playing robot, Ronaldo. We had to make
this robot for the course ‘Mechatronics’ which is a
combination of mechanics, electronics,.. It was a very
difficult job to build a robot because it isn’t a thing
that you can do in 1,2,3,…
Actually this is a continuation of the project of last
year. So we had already some information about the
electronics, sensors… but we had to make a robot that
functions better than last year.
In more details, our task was to build a robot for the
RoboCup Junior robot competition. The game is being
played one-on-one with a ball which transmits IR-rays.
The field is covered with a gray gradient from white to
black. This makes it possible to determine the position
and the orientation of the robot on the field by using
lightsensors. Distancesensors are used to detect the
sides of the field.
Buiding the robot has cost us a lot of work but we also
have learned a lot, we can now program in Assembler, and
work with traxmaker. We know also more about choosing
the right sensors. The problems we had are also putted
on the website and also the final result. We are proud
to present to you our final result.
We hope you'll like the site and if you have any
questions don’t hesitate to contact us.
Mohammed, Marco, Mbayi and Kristof

Ronaldo says: 'Hi!'