This project is a part of our education at the 'Vrije Universiteit Brussel' to become mechanical engineers. The assignment was to find a project that combined both mechanics and electronics, or shorter, a mechatronics project.
Although our teachers came up with several subjects, we were also allowed the make a proposition of our own� And of course, we wouldn't let a challenge like that just go by, would we?
And so we ended up on the website of Clawar. They seemed to have a robot competition, and we were into the idea right away� Building a little robot, that would be our project.
Our robot must be capable to do several things. First of all, he has to be able to transfer himself from the floor onto a horizontal metal wall. Then he should climb the wall while detecting white objects and avoiding them, preferable without touching them. If you are interested in the further details of this competition, you can always visit the Clawar website.
Following picture gives a schematic view of the competition setup: