Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Ir. Tom Turcksin

Lab Manager - AugmentX

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Pleinlaan 9, Floor -1
B-1050 Brussels

The AugmentX lab is used to asses effectiveness of emerging augmentation technologies. A portfolio of cobots, exoskeletons and AR goggles are available for academic and commercial (research) projects. These project can help in determining if investments in ergonomic solutions for industry are worth it. In this lab we specialise in measuring force, motion and physiological quantities. We have fixed and mobile measurement equipment. The integration of the measurement equipment into a single synchronised data stream is our prime concern. Particular measurement configurations allow for a Realtime control.

In my role of lab manager, I organise the usage, maintain the equipment, organise workshops and assist with technical aspects such as integration of measurement equipment into larger systems.


©2019 • Vrije Universiteit Brussel • Dept. MECH • Pleinlaan 2 • 1050 Elsene
• Tel.: +32-2-629.28.06 • Fax: +32-2-629.28.65 •