Vrije Universiteit Brussel

ir. Karen Junius


Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Building Z - Room ZT001b
Pleinlaan , 2
B-1050 Brussels

Phone: +32 2 6291826
Fax: +32 2 6292865

E-mail: kjunius@vub.ac.be

Karen Junius was born in Asse, Belgium in 1989. She received the Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2012 from Vrije Universiteit Brussel. She has been working at the MECH department in the Robotics and Multibody Mechanics research group since October 2012.


Karen's research focusses on the development of an energy-efficient actuation system for assistive exoskeletons by using compliant actuators. More info here.


Master's thesis:
Design of an actuated orthosis for support of the sound leg of transfemoral dysvascular amputees

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